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Corporate Finance Association

Corporate Finance Club students receive specialized training in performing internal financial analysis for corporations of all sizes. Training includes project valuation, capital structure consulting, financial planning and analysis, etc. Students are prepared to identify strategic opportunities within a corporation, equipping them with the tools to determine the financial viability of those options.
A wide range of careers lie within Fortune 500 companies and smaller businesses as a financial analyst, business consultant, corporate treasurer, data analyst, etc. Many corporations offer rotational programs that allow employees to try multiple financial roles to determine their personal interests and abilities. Deal Advisory students receive specialized training in valuation methodologies and procedures of companies, businesses, and assets. This includes learning technical skill sets like valuing stock compensation, tangible/intangible assets, transfer prices, entire portfolios, etc. Students also learn strategic reasoning related to different business stages and processes, such as post merger integration, financial risk management, human resource consulting, delivering deal value, and IPO readiness. Job opportunities within BVA range from analyst positions in valuation practices to associate positions in accounting advisory groups to due diligence groups to human capital consulting. The offerings are broad and very diverse.

As a division of the BYU Finance Society, the Corporate Finance Club educates students about the corporate finance industry, provides them with professional opportunities, prepares them for the workforce, and meets their other individual career needs in whatever capacity. Students who attend the club can expect to learn and develop both technical and non-technical skill sets for a competitive advantage when pursuing employment in the field. Whether you are a current Corporate Finance enthusiast or just exploring areas in Finance, the Corporate Finance Club is for you!

Clark Smith

November 2023
Corporate Finance Co-President
LinkedIn: Here

Katelyn Cline

November 2023
Corporate Finance Co-President
LinkedIn: Here

Sign Up: Here
Website: Link
Presidents: Katelyn Cline & Clark Smith

Meeting Info
Day: Thursdays
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: TNRB 130