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Real Estate

What is Commercial Real Estate?
Commercial Real Estate (private equity real estate) is an alternative asset class composed of professionally managed pooled private and public investments in the real estate markets. Investing in private equity real estate involves the acquisition, financing, and ownership (either direct or indirect) of property or properties via an investment fund.

What firms has BYU placed at recently for Commercial Real Estate?

Real Estate Company Placement Photo

Reasons You May Pursue Commercial Real Estate?
Unique Asset Class: Commercial Real Estate allows individuals to pursue a career in private equity but is unique in the fact that you will be underwriting tangible real estate assets in varying diverse geographic markets.

Networking Opportunities: Success in commercial real estate often relies on building and maintaining a robust network of clients, investors, and industry contacts. Networking can lead to valuable referrals and partnerships, enhancing career growth.

How to Pursue a Career in Real Estate/ Timeline?

Real Estate Timeline Photo

Sign Up: Here
Website: Link
President: Abrielle Jensen

Meeting Info
Day: Wednesday
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: 210 TNRB