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Investment Banking

Investment Banking Picture

What is Investment banking? 

Investment bankers advise businesses on a variety of company and industry defining transactions, mainly consisting of executing corporate mergers and acquisitions (M&A), raising debt financing, raising equity financing, and restructuring.

What firms has BYU placed at recently for Investment  Banking?

IB Placement Photo

 Reasons You May Pursue Investment Banking? 

Training/Exit Opps: IB provides students with a very strong foundation in financial modeling, financial analysis, strategic analysis, business valuation, industry expertise, and holistic business acumen right out of undergrad. This training provides the basis to more seamlessly move into other areas of finance and open doors that may not otherwise be available (such as some PE/VC roles).

Very Competitive Compensation: IB is one of the most financially lucrative careers available to undergraduate students. For 2023 incoming full-time analysts, standard salaries were $110,000 with the potential for end-of-year bonuses in the range of $35,000 - $75,000.

How to Pursue a Career inInvestment Banking/ Timeline?

IB Timeline

Sign Up: Here
Website: Link
President: Cate Van Cott & John Warner

Meeting Info
Day: Tuesday
Time: 7:00
Location: TNRB W310